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Fuquan Chen

Surface Finishing Guide

Anodized Steel: Colors, Process & vs Anodizing Stainless Steel

Anodizing is an electrochemical process that enhances the natural oxide layer on the surface of metals, providing increased corrosion resistance, durability, and aesthetic appeal. While anodizing is commonly associated with aluminum, anodizing steel and stainless steel is also possible. This article delves into the colors achievable through anodizing steel, the anodizing process itself, and a […]

plastics injection molding design guide
Injection Molding Guide

Injection Molding Design Guide for Plastic Parts

Injection molding stands out as a fast and efficient method for producing plastic parts at scale. Central to this process is the injection mold, comprising two primary components: the core and the cavity. These halves of the mold join together to form a closed tool into which molten plastic is injected. Upon cooling and solidification,

tapped hole
CNC Machining Guide

Tapped Hole Callout, Definition, Dimensions, Symbol & vs Threaded Hole Chart

Tapped holes are essential in many manufacturing and engineering applications, providing a means to fasten parts together securely. Understanding the intricacies of tapped holes, their definitions, dimensions, symbols, and differences compared to threaded holes is crucial for ensuring precision and functionality in mechanical assemblies. Tapped Holes Definition A tapped hole is a hole that has

CNC Machining Guide

What is Waterjet Cutting Tolerances: Precision and Capabilities

Waterjet cutting, despite being a relatively recent addition to the arsenal of manufacturing techniques, has swiftly become a cornerstone in various industries. Its widespread adoption can be attributed to several factors, with one standout reason being its exceptional precision. This article delves deeply into the world of waterjet cutting tolerances, exploring why they are crucial

precision machining
CNC Machining Guide

What is Precision Machining: Types, Machines, and Processes

Precision machining is a critical process in modern manufacturing, providing the high degree of accuracy and consistency required in various industries such as aerospace, automotive, medical, and electronics. This article delves into the intricacies of precision machining, covering its definition, techniques, applications, and the future trends shaping this essential manufacturing process. What is Precision Machining?

CNC Machining Guide

Understanding Machining Centers: CNC, Vertical, and Their Capabilities

In the vast landscape of manufacturing, the machining center (MC) stands as a towering pillar, essential to the foundation of modern industrial applications. But what truly lies beneath this seemingly ubiquitous yet enigmatic tool? How does it contribute to the precision, efficiency, and flexibility that drive the CNC machining industry forward? This comprehensive guide will

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